Rohit's nukkad

Monday, July 10, 2006

Ignited Minds

Post independence India has very few honest and respectable leaders. For the current generation one of the most admirable leader is Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, a leading scientist and current President of India.
Recently a friend of mine handed over to me one of Dr. Kalam's book "Ignited Minds". The book is mean't forthe young generation of India which should "dream" of making India a developed country. The book is very beautifully written and it seems as if Dr. Kalam is conversing with you his ideas. As the title suggests Dr. Kalam interacts with school children are trying to explain the skills and tools needed to make this a reality.
Couple of points which have lingered in my mind after reading the book are
  1. we should stop degrading ourselves as Indians and should have a "can do" attitude towards achieving our goals.
  2. Do things from the heart, express your spirit and thereby you will spread love and joy around you.
  3. One must know that we deserve the good things in life
  4. Hunger for achievement is highly evolved one and undoubtedly the strongest one
  5. Success can only come to you by courageous devotion to the task lying in front of you
  6. Knowledge has always been the prime mover of prosperity and power
There are success stories among failures. There is hope among chaos, promise among problems. What we need is visionaries like JRD Tata, Vikram Sarabhai, Satish Dhawan and Dr. Verghese Kurien who can drive India to a developed country.
I hope the passion and dreams of Dr. Kalam are carried by every Indian especially children. So that we can build India as we always dream of.


  • Well, following sentence is not what every man feels:

    >>>> "we should stop degrading ourselves as Indians and should have a "can do" attitude towards achieving our goals" <<<<

    But, it is sometimes seen in people who go abroad or are genetically hyprocrites. There is nice taunt made by Dr. Kalam about same : that they behave like civilians abroad but start spitting once they land at homeland (not in exact words)

    So it is not wise for me to simply pick what other says, unless that is a FACT!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:37 AM, July 15, 2006  

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