Rohit's nukkad

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Sh*t it happens

How many of us have said "Oh Sh*t !!!" when we did something wrong or we forgot some thing. There words seem to be very common and we tend to hear them more than once per day. So why do we say these words, i mean we can say something else too like "Oh P*ss" or something nicer "Oh my God".
Well once again Forrest Gump helps me out over here to understand these words. The scene goes something like this, Forrest is doing a cross country running and he has become a celebrity so people look up to him for help and inspiration. A guy comes after him asking for a slogan for bumper sticker while he is still running. Just at that very moment Forrest runs over dog's poo. The guy asks him why did he run over the "Sh*t", he replies "it happens". The guy uses " Sh*t it happens " and that becomes very famous.
So don't worry when you say "Oh Sh*t !!" since we know we have done something wrong but it was unintentional. Basically we all create mess in life but there is nothing wrong with it. Say the above words and move on with the intention of never returning to the mistake so that the use of the words "Oh Sh*t !!!" is reduced day by day.


  • If one carefully watch the movie "Forrest Gump" one will notice that it is also based on the events that happened during the period of the main character. It is really amazing that the director could mix or find ways to introduce all those events in the humble life of Forrest Gump. Even the bumper sticker was big business those days and I could tell many such funny stickers from those days.

    What amazes me abt that movie is: whether it was only about Forrest Gump, or Life from the Eye of Forrest Gump, or the film-makers wanted to showcase/alter the events of those days!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:15 AM, June 03, 2006  

  • Rightly said aditya, all the incidents shown in the movie Forrest Gump are true. The director just wants to link them from the "eye of" a frictional character called Forrest who gives the perspective of the general public who has seen all the incidents happening.

    By Blogger Rohit, at 12:49 PM, June 03, 2006  

  • nice one, i remember tat scene clearly, well the best part abt ur blog is u write small articles tht are very readable. keep up the good work.

    By Blogger Envy, at 11:48 AM, June 11, 2006  

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